Tag: H&M

%u201CRecession” Shopping Patterns Shift-Measuring Where the Youth Market’s Shopping More, Less, and Why

Unique report on preferred shopping destinations reveal forecasts of what retailers and brands can expect as market opportunities from youth culture consumers.

Financial Round-up: Burton Cutbacks; Volcom Results; Nike Down but”Others” Up; Zumiez Plans; H&M Launch in Moscow

It’s a roller coaster our there with diverse global youth culture company reports and strategies indicating a wild ride for 2009.

ScoLar from Japan Stays One Step Ahead of Street Trends in Many Ways Including the Introduction of Reversible Fashion Options

Staying ahead of street trends via fast design, manufacturing, and distribution is more important today than ever. ScoLar figured out how to do it.

Retail’s Revolution and the Changing Dynamics of Success through MCommerce, Second-Tier, Fast-Fashion, Mall Changes, and Other Ideas that Work

Tracking global youth culture data on spending patterns and retail preferences, Label Networks takes a look at the changing face of retail and forecasts where things are headed next and why.