Tag: shoelaces

The Fascination with Neon and Why This Trend Just Doesn’t Stop. Ever.

No matter what some designers may be saying, when it comes to youth culture, this trend is SO not over. Fresh street report on neon, color trends in T-shirt graphics, pants, accessories, hair, footwear–on guys and girls.

Summer Footwear Fashion Trends: Cool Highlights from Diverse Styles Already Making Their Way Out of the Closet Indicate an Exceptionally Fun Season to Come

This summer, the footwear styles are going to be eclectic, and in a good way. While flip-flips and sneaks will be prevalent, young people are going for it when it comes to fashionable feet in the heat in terms of colors, styles, and mash-ups.

Sneakers Capturing the Market Indicate Fresh Importance in Preferences for Color, Textures, and DIY Style -Part 3 of the Footwear Photo Report

In our last street photo report on footwear (until next season), we take a look at top trends in sneakers as worn by young people throughout North America and parts of Western Europe.