Please vote for Label Networks’ Presentation for SXSW Eco on Youth Culture and Sustainability!

Label Networks is currently being considered as a speaker at the upcoming SXSW Eco Conference in Austin, TX, October 6-8, 2014. The first step however is to get supporting friends, colleagues, and those interested in our topic to vote on SXSW Eco’s Panel Picker until May 16. We hope you can support our presentation!

Vote here: Please vote on our SXSW Eco Presentation: Youth Culture X Sustainability!

About the Presentation:  #TheSustainables: Youth Culture’s DIY Future
Today’s youth culture of 13-25-year-olds represent a new generation with different ideals from growing-up with recycling and a broader awareness about the environment, global warming, nuclear waste, and humanitarian issues affecting their world. They offer a fresh set of eyes, attitudes, and opportunities to engaging sustainability strategies for their future. Based on tracking a series of questions posed to 30,000 of America’s youth from 2012-14, we reveal their top concerns about the environment, humanitarian issues, greenwashing, brand transparency, music influences towards eco-awareness, fashion, thrift/vintage buying habits. The DIY thinking and solutions from young people provide insights that creatives, industry leaders, and non-profits need towards creating relevant and viable sustainability plans for their future. This is for those seeking insight from a new angle—from the lifestyle perspectives from the marketplace itself.

Perceptions of apathy by global brands that the youth marketplace doesn’t care about issues of sustainability couldn’t be further from the truth. And yet, it exists, blinding them to possibilities. When consumption is limited and growth is measured in finite resources, it’s a very different market reality. Young people live in this market reality. To them, it has given rise to opportunities seen only through the lens and spirit of a social-entrepreneurial young person. Here’s the wake-up call.

This presentation will offer the following:
1) Challenge attendees to see with the eyes of new, the eyes of a young person, towards creating eco-friendly and sustainable business solutions by understanding the motivations for change that come from a demographic that’s grown-up with the knowledge of finite resources, global warming, and humanitarian issues. Inspirational and tactical knowledge of what the marketplace thinks and expects is revealed, but it can only be seen through a different lens.

2) Redefinition is needed as to who the new demographic of young people are and why you should care. By examining the growing diversity of the population, new meaning of “success,” and power of happiness, we take to task old assumptions of apathy and fear. There is little fear of change because they are the change agents. Change is exciting, motivating, even an identifier. With more life ahead of them than behind them, they are the most hopeful segment of the population.

3) Shedding light which alternatives energy programs young people think should be utilized first and opinions on favorite non-profit organizations, volunteerism, and most critical future concerns reveal a fresh roadmap for sustainability. These riveting results not only illustrate that youth culture today is far more aware about such issues than any generation previous, but that they are already living within the framework of the situation they inherited and doing something about it.

4) Case studies from effective music sponsorship to ethical fashion initiatives, from food and beverage campaigns to buying patterns and brand-associations through changes in sports, we reveal what’s worked with youth markets and what hasn’t when it comes to sustainability. How and why some brands have connected from the bottom-up, within the entrepreneurial DIY spirit of the demographic itself, provides additional inspiration for creating signature sustainability solutions.

Thank you!

For more information, please contact us at; (323) 630-4000.

Coming soon, our 3rd Annual Sustainability and the State of the Future Youth Culture Study 2014!