Tag: Affliction

The Decline of the Action Sports Lifestyle -A Wake-up Call to an Industry That Still Thinks Its Hot

Comparing youth consumer insights over 9 years, Label Networks reveal which demographics, brands, and retailers are in decline and why, plus which sports and lifestyles are poised to pop.

Project Fashion Trade Show Showcases Top Denim Brands, Upper Streetwear, Footwear, and Other Leading-Edge Genres

Hipsters unite once again at Project at the Sands featuring how denim and Americana, plus pieces of retro will turn 2010 into a yester-year starting soon.

The Virtue Trade Show Review: Where MMA, Freestyle Motocross, Tattoo Culture, Art, Music Crossover, Bringing the Growing Fashion Subculture to the Mainstream

MMA, Ultimate Fighting, Motocross, and fashion take center stage at the debut of ASR’s new show called Virtue. Label Networks was there to capture the dark glam coming that’s created an entirely new subculture of its own.

Sports Influences through UFC and MMA Have Created a New Subculture via Design Graphics, Brands, and Industry Players in Street Fashion Today

Sports often inspires new fashion subcultures and one of the hottest coming is from the Inland Empire combined with MMA creating a darker motif and tattoo-heavy look (not to be confused with the glam Ed Hardy version) that’s created an entirely new subculture of its own.