Augustine Kofie has released his first book. Best described in his own words as a “catalogue-ish type direct breakdown of very select studio works spanning 12 years of my art career.”
The book, called Select Exhibition Works 2001 – 2012, will surely be a big hit in art circles around the world as Kofie has grown in popularity and has exhibited in a variety of locations.

Here’s more from Kofie describing his first publication:
“Being this is my first true publication I wanted to make sure that the first manifestation covered a body of works that can clearly show my evolution and growth. From my first true solo show at Frank Sosa’s infamous 33 1/3 bookstore [Banksy’s first LA show followed my solo there in 2001] to the Graffuturism show in Los Angeles to finish off 2012 and about 25 select shown in between.”
Included excerpts come from from Jaybo Monk, Christina Ochoa, Justin Giarla, Nastia Voynovskys & Todd Mazer. Photography from Michael Underwood, Todd Mazer, Mike Cuffe for Warholian, Theo Jemison, Ian Campbell, Paul Doubell , Ixchel Lara and Kofie.
The first edition, self-published book is 8 x 10 inches, 62 pages + cover, full color, 100# Finch fine text & 130# Finch fine cover digital process printing, perfect bound, printed in Los Angeles, and signed by artist in the back of the book.
Kofie’s book goes on sale today, January 11, 2013.

Space Invader Invades Paris
In this epic street footage of Space Invader, we see the hooded mysto artist hitting-up at least 10 different locations across Paris with his Pac-Man tiled artwork. It starts with seeing Space working in his art room working on the night’s creations, filled with tiles, glue, and various supplies, and an entire bookcase of jumbled Rubik’s cubes.
Space Invader loads up his white car with the number 80 on the side, including a ladder that folds down in order to fit into his trunk, and off he goes for an entire night of posting up his tile works.

In the end, as the sun comes up, we see the results of his work: Carefully mastered creations that completely fit the locations where he pasted them, including the French Statue of Liberty.
Check-out the artistic genius at work.