ISPO’s Brand New Awards from Germany Names International Winners Including a Soft Ski Boot, Wavegarden, Solar Jacket and More


One of the best parts of ISPO’s winter fashion trade show in Munich, Germany, is the presentation of their ISPO BRAND NEW awards which go to some of the most innovative, technical, and in some cases, humanitarian and fashionable start-up products in the world. ISPO Brand New Awards is the world’s largest start-up competition in […]

ISPO Brand New Awards Names Winners Including a Bamboo Fixie,”Rolling” Sneaker, and Eco-Climbing Apparel for”City Apes”

Innovation, science, sustainability, and relevance make the winners of ISPO’s annual BrandNew Awards interesting concepts in the future of sports.

ISPO Summer Trade Show in Munich Canceled After 35 Years

It doesn’t come as a shock really that ISPO Summer Trade Show, created by the massive marketing and communications company Messe Munchen GmbH in Munich, Germany, announced on March 6th that they would be canceling their summer sports trade show.