Author: Bernadette Matroka

ISPO Brand New Awards Names Winners Including a Bamboo Fixie,”Rolling” Sneaker, and Eco-Climbing Apparel for”City Apes”

Innovation, science, sustainability, and relevance make the winners of ISPO’s annual BrandNew Awards interesting concepts in the future of sports.

Culture Jamming with an Environmental Twist with Guerilla Gardners’ Seed Grenades

Not in Copenhagen protesting in the name of the environment? Huck a seed bomb in your own city and start your own protest garden.

Cool Collabs of the Month: Hurley by Pendleton, Karl Lagerfield’s Ruby Motorcycle Helmets; H&M’s Launch with Sonia Rykiel

While collaborations abound, here are some of our faves of the month that we think will inspire given the variety of industries, locations, and subcultures that they cover.

Hot Accessories from 2009 Illustrate Youth Culture’s Favorite Adornment-From Intriguingly Cool to Utilitarian to Funny

What we humans choose to accessorize with says a lot about individual creativity and trends, especially at a time when accessories have come to “represent” fashion, rescuing style when money is tight. Here’s our street report recap from %uFFFD09.

Jean Paul Gaultier X Target -One of the Biggest Collaboration Stories of the Season

Target%uFFFDs Designer Collaboration series continues to create new excitement in fashion despite an increasingly difficult economy for the industry.

Planeshop Pop-up Changing Airport Retailing -Starting in Glasgow

Pop-up shops continue to redefine retail, this time with a unique spin and location that’s sure to take off.

LeSAPE Generation of Central Africa Is Redefining Modern-Day Sartorialists

When President Mobutu banned Western suits in the Congo in the %u201850’s, an entire zoot-suit backlash was launched, which today has been redefined with attitude inspiring new looks from top designers.

Back-to-School Gothic-Lolita-Not Just for Harajuku Girls Anymore

Back-to-school fashion meets with a heavy influence of Goth, Loli, Fairey Kei, J-Rock, Anime this year as J-Pop has officially invaded. (Alice in Wonderland Loli.) Street report on top brands, styles, accessories.