Tag: metallics

Rubber Duck’s Combine BAPE Colors with Sneaker-like Uggs for Original Footwear Style That’s Captured the Attention of Fashionistas Across Europe

Footwear break-throughs in style are not always easy to come by, but when we checked out Rubber Duck, the footwear brand created by Eik Braun Ottosen from Copenhagen, we knew we’d found something original, and at the same time, rather funny. Jim Shuben, formerly from WESC and now with Rubber Duck, explained that Eik was a young designer of footwear who had created a sensation in Europe with the launch of his latest styles: a combination of a sneaker, Ugg boot, in Bathing Ape-type patent-leather bright colors, including the uber-hip metallics of gold, silver and Star Wars storm-trooper white.

Big Hearts, Peace Signs, and Rainbows among Key Accessory Icons Making Fresh Statements Using Old Symbol-Label Networks’ Photo Report Tells the Story

40 carefully edited photos from across the nation provide inspiration from leading-edge accessory styles in jewelry on both guys and girls -all of which tell a directional story with iconic statement pieces and styles, heavy metals, colorful plastics, beads, chains, and crystals.

Sneakers Capturing the Market Indicate Fresh Importance in Preferences for Color, Textures, and DIY Style -Part 3 of the Footwear Photo Report

In our last street photo report on footwear (until next season), we take a look at top trends in sneakers as worn by young people throughout North America and parts of Western Europe.