Pop-up shops continue to redefine the concept of traditional retail, but this time its taking place in an airport with a unique concept called Planeshop by Russ Miller (founder of Vacant -one of the original pop-up shops created years ago). His “flexible retailing” concept allows brands to take over a store for a limited time at the store, but to find out who’s there, it refers you to their very interesting website made of signage stick figures.

Pop-up shops are no longer all that new, but the concept of new brands and ideas constantly rotating in a store does give a fresh edge to help satisfy consumers who are far more prone to new, limited-edition finds.

Planeshop is starting off in one of the UK’s busiest airports, Glasgow. It also features elements like Planemix (tunes to choose for your flight) from a wide variety of global music, and other interesting concept-store like finds.

Because it’s at an airport, Planeshop also provides airport and flight information and cool tips on what to do while you’re waiting.

In a final nod to m-commerce and mobile communication, planeshop.net offer ups a QRcode at the bottom of their page in case you’re one of the lucky ones to have a Japanese cell phone that can read it and you want to download everything there is to know about Planeshop via your phone.