Tag: accessories

MAGIC, S.L.A,T.E., Street, Punk, MMA Fall Trade Show Proves Mix of Eras and Attitude Can Create the Most Intriguing New Fashion Trends

Label Networks’ review of MAGIC indicates that fashion designs from the streets inspired by music and the trenches of the economy can result in a culture-clash-up ripe with fresh designs.

Back-to-School Gothic-Lolita-Not Just for Harajuku Girls Anymore

Back-to-school fashion meets with a heavy influence of Goth, Loli, Fairey Kei, J-Rock, Anime this year as J-Pop has officially invaded. (Alice in Wonderland Loli.) Street report on top brands, styles, accessories.

Agenda Fashion Trade Show Part 2 -More From the Floor

Here’s the inside scoop from Agenda on who’s doing what in streetwear, urbanwear, contemporary crossovers, footwear, and accessories.

The Fascination with Neon and Why This Trend Just Doesn’t Stop. Ever.

No matter what some designers may be saying, when it comes to youth culture, this trend is SO not over. Fresh street report on neon, color trends in T-shirt graphics, pants, accessories, hair, footwear–on guys and girls.

Accessories with Attitude Define Miss Wax’s Acrylic Jewelry and Girly Knucklebusters

One thing that a bad economy makes certain is the increased importance of accessories in personal style.

Cowboy and Country Fashion Redefined by a New Generation of Guys Inspiring a Mash-up of Traditional Brands with Surf and Moto Influences

Going deep into the heart of the USA it’s clear that the American cowboy influences much of what makes-up male fashion in many parts of the country as the search for value, tradition, authenticity increase. Exclusive photo report. Part 2 cowgirl styles next.

D.C. Street Style’s Multi-Cultural Influences Tips-off Inspiration in Fashion and Accessories

Washington D.C. isn’t all politicians and lobbyists in business attire. Its youth culture keeps things fresh with an eclectic mix of inspiration.

Gone to Coachella! Back on Monday, Meanwhile, Here%uFFFDs Last Year%uFFFDs Lowdown from Music to Festival Fashion

Off to the desert for the kick-off of music festival season 2009! Catch us on Twitter or read last year%uFFFDs highlights here.