Tag: new

Culture Jamming with an Environmental Twist with Guerilla Gardners’ Seed Grenades

Not in Copenhagen protesting in the name of the environment? Huck a seed bomb in your own city and start your own protest garden.

Changes in Advertising Effectiveness in Youth Culture:”Since companies have to advertise, what type do you prefer?”

Fresh data from Label Networks provides new insight on what type of ads are working best and the distinct preferences based on certain target demographics and how things have changed in the last 6 months.

Cool Collabs of the Month: Hurley by Pendleton, Karl Lagerfield’s Ruby Motorcycle Helmets; H&M’s Launch with Sonia Rykiel

While collaborations abound, here are some of our faves of the month that we think will inspire given the variety of industries, locations, and subcultures that they cover.

Youth Culture and Social Networks: Fresh Data Quantifies Communication Patterns, Key Features, and the Most Effective Brand Marketing Opportunities

Surprisingly many brands (especially in the automotive industry) don’t have a successful new media/social network strategy yet. Our results indicate what youth culture is using mostly, why, and where brands may benefit mostly in new media.

Uniqlo Tunes, a Musical Blog Widget, Adds Heat to the On-Fire Collection Called HeatTech

Described as the “pronoun for winter,” the outdoor industry should take note of Uniqlo’s HeatTech campaign, which combined with their new musical blog, makes an addictive online shopping experience, whether you actually buy it or not.

Google, Facebook, MySpace Continue Scramble to Create a Business Model by Tapping Music Marketshare from Apple

Giant social networks are sick of watching Apple make a killing off music and they’re jealous as hell. Not to mention that they still don’t have a business model%u2026yet. Plus fresh data from LN’s Fall Study on music and technology.

Planeshop Pop-up Changing Airport Retailing -Starting in Glasgow

Pop-up shops continue to redefine retail, this time with a unique spin and location that’s sure to take off.